Down at Found 158 this morning, it’s like a ghost town compared to the frenzy of building activity that has been constant for the last 2 months. Chinese new year approaches like a distant storm – its presence can be felt long in advance, when suppliers and contractors start saying things like, ‘oh no. We can’t possibly have that ready in time.’
But the holiday doesn’t start for another 3 weeks.
‘Yeah, but nah.’
In other words, they may still be onsite physically, but in their minds its already holiday. And I suppose I can’t blame them. Its their one and only holiday. The only time in the whole year they will see mum and dad, wives or husbands, their kids. So go. Take a break. Shoo shee sharrr! (say it out loud. I reckon my Chinese phonetic spelling is pretty spot on)
Post holiday, following the return of the migrant workforce (whenever that will be), the brewery is probably only a couple of weeks away from completion! This is exciting. It’s been left in a relatively clean state, only a few minor things still to fix. Kitchen equipment is already in, brewhouse equipment will come later, as well as furniture. For now, all I can do is sit back and watch the sheet iron rust (don’t assume it’s like watching paint dry) into a beautiful red hue!
From the birdhouse team, xin nian kuai le! Bring on the Rooster!