Expanding horizons…

Expanding horizons…

Keen to try new things, birdhouse is looking into producing pendant lights for sale.

Inspired by a recent trip to Japan, I wanted to find a simple way for people to appreciate the importance of good lighting. The Japanese are masters in creating ambience out of minimalist objects. And given that many people here in Shanghai are renting apartments, it’s preferable not to leave too many scars.

These pendants connect straight to a socket and can hang from either an S hook, stuck on hook or screw hook. This makes keeps installation to an absolute minimum. Cables are available in a range of colours and the paper is handmade, also available in different styles. It’s the paper that really creates the atmosphere, diffusing the light to a dull glow. Tanizaki’s In Praise of Shadows comes to mind. One of a few books I can read over and over.